PO Box 540
Johnson City, Texas 78636
phone 830-868-4509

flying macaw

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Impeckable Aviaries

2004 macaws

Spring 2022 Double Yellow-headed and Senegal Parrots now.

Impeckable Aviaries is making the following captive reared species, either pairs or extra males and female individuals available for purchase: Lilac crowned and Red headed Amazons, Blue headed Pionus, Blue and Gold Macaws. All birds reared here at Impeckable Aviaries or other Texas aviaries.

Email Impeckable Aviaries or call us at 830-868-4509. Wholesale only. Price is for each bird and price does not include your shipping costs. Shipping by air is approximately $130.00 - depending on size of your bird.

Find the species of your interest below by clicking on the link for more information. Looking for something special? Email us. We just might be able to help you find that special bird you are seeking.

We raise the following genus:


Amazons African Greys Senegals Macaws

You may purchase Impeckable birds using If you chose to use Paypal, please add 3% to the total purchase price. Local sales, add 8.25% sales tax.

We garauntee the good health of our birds. If you would like to see more information we provide about birds or topics on birds, or if you want to know more about Impeckable Aviaries and visit our other web pages, continue scrolling down the page:-).

Here is a profile of parrots of the Pionus Genus: GENUS PIONUS

If you want to own a parrot, we recommend that you have an understanding of basic bird biology if you want to become an owner of a domestically reared parrot. Given good daily care, parrots are likely to live to a very old age. Unlike cats and dogs, parrots have human-scale life spans. The commitment you make when you buy a bird should be well understood as your bird can be with you for the rest of life. Knowing as much as you can about your parrots makes you a better companion for your bird. One should always keep in mind that parrots have strong, sharp beaks and are capable of inflicting painful bites - even the smaller species. Plus they are smart and willful. And, there is no way around this fact: parrots can be messy. Be certain that you are willing to tolerate and accept the fact that your bird is a parrot - for all that can mean for your relationship together.

Parrots make great pets and are highly desirable because of their ability to imitate human speech and behavior - yes, behavior! Parrot behaviors and antics are enjoyable to watch and can easily be described as comical. Some will strut back and forth on their perches or cage tops. This strutting is accompanied by a flared tail (revealing beautiful pattern and color) in many species, and vocal chortling which says to the objects of their desire (or wrath) 'to come here or go away' depending on the intent of the communication. As parrots mature, they are affected by the seasons (photoperiod - length of daylight influences their hormones) that sometimes mean the little parrots demonstrate territoriality (aggression) towards their owners or possessiveness towards their chosen pet person. In such cases when you find your bird irritable and the behavior leads to conflict, it may be necessary to keep an afflicted bird under control so as to avoid you or your guests being bitten or harassed. Once the mating season has ended, most birds resume their normal relationships with their love ones. If your bird is too unruly, you may be able to alter its behavior with light period manipulation.

Of course parrots potential for grumpy behavior can be attributed to their being survivors of the Dinosaur family once believed to be extinct at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Paleontologists now believe that birds are directly related to the Therepod dinosaurs - the group of dinosaurs that Tyrannosaurs rex and Velociraptor belonged. Birds evolved during the Mesozoic Era, the so - called Age of Dinosaurs, and Archaeopteryx, a 150 million year old Jurassic bird became the first fossil bird specimen recognized as a bird. We know that the Age of Dinosaurs was a dinosaur eat dinosaur world and for a bird to evolve to the form we recognize today meant these tiny dinosaurs -er- birds- had to be tough to survive. Such abilities must mean that our birds have that toughness built into their genes. That is what we see when we experience our bird biting and other parrot behavior. That can be a downside to bird ownership for some, but it can also be insightful and give us a glimpse into the days when dinosaurs ruled our planet. This new reality led me to conjure up a new motto:

If you want a dog...get a dog.

If you want a cat...get a cat.

If you want a Dinosaur...get a Bird!

For an interesting introduction into the Bird-Dinosaur evolutionary link, visit this website:

Dino Buzz at the University of California, Berkeley. You might want to take a peek at the Geologic Time Scale here: Enchanted Learning

Impeckable Aviaries recommends the utilization of any name-brand commercial pelleted diet for the major portion of a diet for parrots held in captivity. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables are eagerly accepted by most parrots.

Impeckable Aviaries is home to some of the most beautiful birds in the world - parrots - and is proud to offer for sale select hand-fed parrots for the prospective pet owner and confident, parent-reared parrots for the bird enthusiast. In fact, Impeckable Aviaries does not employ artificial incubation nor do we tube feed or galvage our newly hatched and hand - feeding chicks with force feeding needles. Because of the intensive individual attention we provide our birds during the hand-feeding and weaning process means they become the best possible pet birds. And our birds are not exposed to other birds from sources that may be less conscientious than we are about the condition and treatment of our birds. We make sure our birds are handled by prospective buyers with our direct supervision. Our birds aren't in contact with casual shoppers. The personal care we give our own birds gives our customers piece of mind and satisfaction few can offer.

We allow parent birds to provide as much care to their chicks as possible in their captive situations because research at the University of California, Davis, has shown that parent reared birds grow faster and are initially larger than their hand -fed brethren. The companion bird qualities of hand-fed baby parrots is well known, while the advantages of parent-reared birds as better breeders is not as well known, however, a study conducted by Stephanie Myers while an Avian Science student at the University of California at Davis suggests this is the case. Both parent birds and their the chicks benefit from long-term relationships just as you and your bird will.

E-mail Impeckable Aviaries

Impeckable Aviaries supports scientific and conservation-related endeavors related to parrots in captivity and in the wild. blue-headed pionus family Impeckable Aviaries clearly places itself in the interest of wild living bird populations.

The Importance of Flight

Did you know that bird's ability to fly may hold more importance for your pet bird than you realize? Take a look at this piece I wrote: Bird Flight Or My Contribution to Science

Who we Are and What We Do

Owners Bill Arbon and Elaine Lockhart care for and breed some 20 different species of psittacines and have been rearing parrots together for more than 30 years.

Elaine developed our hand - feeding technique and employed the most nurturing techniques for hand-rearing baby parrots and carefully spoon fed each baby bird we reared. Elaine is a fine artist by education and also operates a small antique store and art gallery. In addition to her own artistic projects, Elaine's full time responsibilities include helping take care of nearly 200 birds. If you have an interestElaine in 20th Century collectibles, go here to see Rare Bird Gallery. In addition to her own artistic projects, Elaine's full time responsibilities include helping take care of nearly 200 birds although she has turned over the hand-rearing chores to Bill.

Bill Arbon, Elaine's partner and confidant is also a college graduate who has worked in a variety of fields; offshore oil, college bookstore, the History Department of Southwest Texas State University, for the Department of Microbiology at the University of Texas, and Curator of Birds at Loro Parque, Tenerife, Spain, the Canary Islands. He has also worked at more mundane occupations. Bill was editor of the Pionus Breeders Association newsletter for many years and was the organization's President as late as 1993. He has written several articles for BirdTalk magazine and Birds USA, and has authored an article for Cage Bird Hobbyist magazine entitled "The Lives and Times of Quaker Parakeets" and the "the Uncertain Future of Feral Quakers".

Other Recommended Links

Our list of interesting and growing links that will take you to other areas of our interests:

To find information about the Texas Hill Country, LBJ Country, Texas Wine Country, or Johnson City, Texas, home of the 36th President of the United States of America, and Impeckable Aviaries, see the Impeckable Aviaries' Unofficial Johnson City Tour Guide an unofficial guide to the sights and sounds of Johnson City, Texas and the Texas Hill Country. Also, I have photographs of the area featured in Yahoo's flickr. You can see my photos here: Bill Arbon

I have created a web page for my late father, Major Leonard L. Arbon, U.S.A.F. (Ret). You may access it by clicking here Captain Leonard Arbon. It has a link to the Fin Twisters, a skin diving club organized by my father and John Comin in the early 1950s in Biloxi, Mississippi. You may also may be interested in the skin diving club, the Fin Twisters, Keesler Air Force Base's diving club formed at the time. Click here Fin Twisters for more interesting history.

Check out this link:

  • Francesca Rota, an Ecudorian artist's page is now online here. Click here to see The Art of Francesca Rota.


    Bill Arbon, Impeckable Aviaries

    E-mail Impeckable Aviaries
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    Author: copyright© Bill Arbon
    Co Author: JLB
    Last Updated: 9/30/2022